Upload Resume

Upload your resume and kick-start your job search today

Supercharge your Microsoft job search with a single click

Want to take the hassle out of your job hunt? Upload your resume today, and let us do the legwork.

By uploading your resume, you ensure you’ll be the first to be considered for new opportunities—before they’re even advertised.

  • Once submitted, your resume will be directed to one of our 500+dedicated consultants depending on your skills, experience, and desired location. Your specialist consultant will then work with you to get a full appreciation of your requirements, and make sure your resume gets in front of the right employers.
  • Uploading your resume is the easiest way to find our next role quickly and hassle-free: once we have an understanding of your circumstances and aspirations, you’ll receive a dedicated account manager and a summary of the available opportunities in the marketplace.
  • If you’re a contractor, we aim to find you a role sooner—often within 24 hours.

Submit your resume now, and we’ll get right to work finding your next great Microsoft technology job.

Upload Your Resume